Reading #6

Coming up with new ideas quickly and in a set time frame. Set rules that create standards for the design such as certain typefaces. Start slow by doing quick research for five minutes. Time yourself for 30 minutes and just do it, create things. Look at all of your designs laid out next to each other and compare, critique, discard, or move forward with an idea.

Alternative Grids:
Break away from the standard grid and experiment with other options, this will push your designs and make them more unique. Be influenced by your surrounding to find alternative grids, sketch or photograph forms that you see and then replicate them then abstract a design using your new grid, arrange typography and elements using the new patterns created.

Kit of Parts:
Create dynamic designs. Develop elements for your design that are simple and functional, then determine a standard for using these elements.

Brand Language:
Creating the look, feel and values for a company that can be conveyed to an audience using a system of design elements. Define and research the audience, design verbal and visual elements that can be used consistently through vehicles for the company, create hierarchy, determine a set of rules for applying these designs, make sure to document these rules and elements so others can understand or use them.

A basic simulation of how a design should look physically. Plan a 2-D layout for the design, apply the design elements to this layout then print/create and put it together so it is tangible.